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Is Your Pillow Giving You Wrinkles?

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Written by Anđela Rajković

Sleep Consultant

Featured image for Is your pillow giving you wrinkles.

16 May 2024 5 min read

Could your pillow be plotting against your youthful looks while you sleep? Is your pillow giving you wrinkles? It might be time to investigate the suspect behind those sneaky wrinkles!

Yes, if your fine lines are looking bigger and longer with every single day, the fault probably lies in your pillow. Yes, you read that correctly – your choice of pillow may be the thing giving you wrinkles. Want to find out more about this ‘phenomenon'? Keep on reading!

What Causes Wrinkles?

First things first – let us ask a very straightforward question – what causes wrinkles

Well, wrinkles are caused by a combination of factors. They include the natural ageing process as well as exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Also, they are caused by repeated facial expressions such as squinting, frowning, or smiling.

As we grow older, our skin becomes less elastic and less able to protect itself from damage. Over time, this leads to the formation of fine lines and creases on the skin's surface, which we commonly refer to as wrinkles.

Moreover, other factors such as smoking, pollution, and poor nutrition can also lead to the development of wrinkles. And, believe it or not, sleep deprivation is one of those factors too. Thus, no matter how busy you are, if you want to make your wrinkles less severe, you will have to prioritise sleep!  

An image of a woman with wrinkles on her forehead.

How Can Pillows Contribute to Wrinkles?

Now let us cut to the chase. Your pillow could be playing a significant role in the formation of wrinkles on your face. While we sleep, the position we sleep in, the material of our pillow, and the pressure we place on our face can all contribute to the development of wrinkles over time.

Furthermore, sleeping on your side or stomach can cause compression of the skin on your face. That can lead to the formation of sleep lines that eventually become permanent wrinkles.

Additionally, when we sleep on our sides, our cheeks and chin are often pressed against the pillow. That also can cause creases and indentations in the skin.

An image of a woman with wrinkles.

The material of your pillow can also play a role in the development of wrinkles. Cotton pillowcases, for example, can absorb moisture from the skin and cause friction, which can contribute to the formation of wrinkles. Do check our buyer's guide for best pillows for side sleepers to try to find your ideal pillow.

However, satin or silk pillowcases are a whole other story. Namely, these are gentler on the skin and can help reduce the amount of friction that occurs between the skin and the pillow.

And, as we said, the pressure we place on our faces when sleeping can also contribute to the formation of wrinkles. By using a pillow that is too high or too firm, we may be putting excessive pressure on our face, leading to the development of sleep lines and wrinkles over time.

How should we sleep to avoid wrinkles?

To minimize the risk of developing wrinkles while we sleep, it's important to pay attention to our sleeping position and the pillow we use.

So, just like we said – avoid sleeping on your sides and stomach and stick to back-sleeping.  Sleeping on our back is the ideal position to avoid sleep lines and wrinkles. However, if sleeping on the back is not comfortable, then opt for the right kind of pillow!

But, what kind of pillow is the right kind of pillow for avoiding wrinkles? Well, you'll find out soon enough.

An image of a woman with wrinkles.

Tips for Choosing the Right Pillow

And, as we promised, here are some tips for choosing the right anti-wrinkle pillow: 



So, to conclude, our pillows can play a significant role in the formation of wrinkles on our faces.

By paying attention to our sleeping position, pillow choice, and skincare routine, we can minimize the risk of developing wrinkles and maintain a youthful appearance over time. 

Thus, don't be lazy – it would be a shame to be lazy when living a wrinkle-free life can be as easy as following these simple tips! 

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About the author

Anđela Rajković
As a CPD certified Sleep Consultant and well-practiced sleep enthusiast, I find a lot of joy in bringing my expertise to our readers – preferably those who love to sleep. With a background in the English language and literature and a love of research, I'm always seeking new ways to share the latest sleep science and bed-related findings. And, when I'm not connecting with my readers, you can find me exploring the great outdoors, or, well, curling up in bed.
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