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top 10 snacks before bed
Last Updated on May 17, 2024 by Tom

Top 10 Snacks Before Bed

Snacks before bed can have a bad influence on your sleep and health if you go for the wrong foods. That’s why we are going to give you 10 ideas for tasty and healthy snacks before bed!

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When to eat a snack?

Eating late at night should be avoided but having just a small snack won’t ruin your weight or health as long as you are being moderate. After all, if you had a late exercise, you may find it impossible to fall asleep due to the hunger. So, what should you eat in these situations?

Which snacks before bed are good?

Well, you most certainly shouldn’t eat foods that will make you feel wired and be hard on your stomach. You also shouldn’t snack late at night the same calorie amount as your average meal should have. Let’s clarify this a bit more.

So, let’s say that as an average adult male you can eat about 3000 calories per day. This means that your 3 meals should consist of 800 calories and two snacks should have about 300 calories each. So, your late-night snack shouldn’t have more than 300 calories, with the ideal of 200 calories. But, if you are doing sports regularly and are physically active, these numbers can rise up for the 200 or 300 calories each.

an image of a woman eating healthy food before bed

Now, let’s say that you are an average female with moderate physical activity. Then your daily calorie intake should be about 2000 to 2400 calories. In that case, your meals should have about 600 calories and snacks about 200 calories. This means that your late-night snack shouldn’t have more than 150, 200 calories.

Since we got the math out of the way, let’s talk about types of food. Some foods can make you feel awake and give you energy, others can calm you down. Foods that are good for breakfast or prior the physical activity are not a good choice before sleep. For instance, some of the foods that are good for energy but bad for sleep are:

So, we are looking for snack recipes that don’t exceed 200 calories, that make you feel relaxed and that are generally healthy.

We picked 10 of those recipes that are quite tasty in the same time. These 10 snack recipes are low in calories and have a positive effect on sleep and general health. So, if you get hungry late at night, feel free to choose one of the following ideas without feeling guilty for late-night snacking.

an image of a glass of cherry juice

apple peanut butter snack

a popcorn snack

an image of soup and a whole grain toast

One extra great choice for a late-night snack:


We left rice for the end as we can list so many great recipes for snacks before bed with rice. Rice is a food very neutral in taste, so it can be mixed with a lot of things. Also, as a small snack, rice can be prepared in many ways. You can just cook it plain if you like the taste. Put a bit of olive oil on it. You can also put a bit of soy sauce on top or mix it with a few slices of steamed vegetables. Or, mix it with parsley leaves and almonds. Rice is one of the safest snacks before bed, so, feel free to enjoy a few tablespoons of rice before going to sleep.


Choosing the right snacks before bed is not easy. You can easily make a mistake and go for high-calorie foods that will keep you awake. Also, snacks before bed can become a bit of a habit that can cause regular hunger in the morning. So, even if they do, try to make them a healthy habit. Otherwise, you can make a toll on your health and your body weight.

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